Hello hello! It's only the third week of the year and I feel like I'm already abandoning my blog. But an update once a week isn't that right? It's better than nothing. I want to start something on my blog - Wishlist Wednesday - a post where I talk about what I'm currently lusting for at that moment. Since it is Wednesday, I'll...
Hello hello! Ok I'm gonna go straight to the point instead of doing some weird intro - college hunting is stressful as heck! Having so many options is so overwhelming. From Taylor's to Sunway to Monash and INTI. There are just so many programmes to choose from! All I know is that I want to major in marketing. Or maybe International business. Or...
Hello hello! Happy New Year!!!! It's 2014! Wow, I'm turning 18 in 7 months AND I might start college in 2 weeks. I have mixed feelings about that - excited and nervous at the same time. I can't wait to meet new people! Anyway, I still am going through post-holiday depression. I left my heart in Melbourne, the most wonderful city I've ever...