

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

We're half an hour away from February. February... the Sunday of Summer for me. I've not been excited for this month to come. I'm flying back to Melbourne in 3 weeks. 3 weeks will go by in a blink of an eye. As excited as I am to go back, I'm not ready to leave my family & friends. I'm not ready to leave my cats. Not ready to leave the place I call home. I just wish leaving gets easier over time. This will be the longest I've gone without my family. I have a feeling the first couple of weeks back will be such a drag. I bet I'll constantly be moping around the house, missing my loved ones, my mom's cooking, cheap food, cheap everything. Living in Australia is so expensive. I can't remember where I saw this but apparently, smashed avo on toast is about $17-$22. Like.... why do people pay that much for something they can make for less than $10 or even $15?? Eating out over there is more of a luxury tbh. It's so expensive if you convert it to Ringgit.

Apart from my heavyheartedness, I have a skin problem... I have no idea why my skin has been breaking out so bad lately. I thought it was because I was lazy at washing my makeup brushes. So I started washing them more often than before but my skin still looks the same. I try to stay away from processed foods and use skincare products with natural ingredients in them but still... no luck. Someone help!!

I'm planning on doing a "A Week in My Life" vlog when I go back, starting from the day before I fly back up until the end of the first week of classes. Hopefully I get enough footage to make that happen.

Picture from Google

I've watched a bunch of movies over the last few weeks - Rogue One, Allied, Why Him? and La La Land. I have to say, out of all of those, La La Land and Allied were my favourites!! Rogue One would be my third favourite. But La La Land guys... I saw it a couple of weeks back with Farah. I thought the first half of the movie was kinda slow and a bit boring but after the movie ended, I just felt like crying. It was amazing!! I have never understood the hype behind Ryan Gosling until now. He was amazing. Emma Stone was incredible. This movie was just everything! I've been listening to the soundtrack nonstop. The epilogue from the soundtrack makes me wanna cry so much. If you've been looking for a new movie to watch, I highly recommend La La Land. A freakin masterpiece.

Another movie I saw recently was Don't Blame The Kid. It's a Spanish movie and it's adorable and so hilarious. I didn't even see the plot twist coming! So funny!

20 days til I leave. I am not ready :(
'Til next time!

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