
MotoGP // Photo Diary #6

Photo Diary Friday, October 24, 2014
So the Malaysian leg of MotoGP is this weekend. Free practice was earlier today and I went... because I'm not going to the race this Sunday and today's event was free entry. So, go figure! I'm so glad this leg of the season is during my break off of college or I would've never had the chance to see the riders this year....

Jump Street // Photo Diary #5

Photo Diary Wednesday, October 22, 2014
I am on a roll with my photo diaries!! In fact there's another one coming up soon! ;) Hi! So my friends and I have been talking about Jump Street for weeks now and because we're currently on our mid-semester break, why not give it a shot right? Needless to say, it was one of the best experiences of my life. I loved...

Photo Diary #4

College Thursday, October 16, 2014
So a couple of weeks ago, the entire class was given RM50 and we had to figure out how to... Okay, who am I kidding? I wasn't really paying attention to what my lecturer was saying about this task. Whatever it was, we chose to make Halloween treats and sell them around college. Mid-baking selfie! Can you guess what these are supposed to...

Random Little Rant

Personal Thursday, October 09, 2014
1. I don't understand how some people can take things for granted. It irks me so much when people don't appreciate your efforts. It's as if you sacrificed all your time and energy for nothing. I wish I could just go on and on about this because I just need to really, really rant. But then, I'd be publicizing my personal issues and...

September Lovin'

Bloggers Monday, October 06, 2014
Am I the only one who thinks that this year just flew by? How is it already October?! I don't think I'll be able to digest the fact that 2015 is just 3 months away. I do have exciting plans this month and I'm so excited! Spoiler alert: there will most likely be a whole post including photos of those plans I just...

On My Mind (via Polyvore)

Fashion Saturday, October 04, 2014
Christopher Kane platform sandals net-a-porter.com MICHAEL Michael Kors wingtip shoes mytheresa.com Zara black boots zara.com ASOS patent leather shoes asos.com ASOS sandals asos.com Asos sneaker asos.com Asos shoes $40 - asos.com Please, let me have them all. I know, I know. Most of these shoes are black. But black and I are soulmates. Nothing can tear us apart! Also, can we just take...