

Life Abroad Tuesday, January 31, 2017
We're half an hour away from February. February... the Sunday of Summer for me. I've not been excited for this month to come. I'm flying back to Melbourne in 3 weeks. 3 weeks will go by in a blink of an eye. As excited as I am to go back, I'm not ready to leave my family & friends. I'm not ready to...

Review: Morphe 35O Palette

Beauty Saturday, January 21, 2017
So I recently got my hands on the ever so popular Morphe 35O palette. This has been all over social media for almost 2 years I think? And for good reasons too! I got mine off of beautybay.com back in December for slightly more than what it costs if I bought it directly off the Morphe website. BUT shipping to Malaysia/Australia is USD25. Beautybay offers free...