
18 + Things I've Been Loving Lately

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Guess who's 18 today? Me! 18 and still barely 5 feet tall. If I ever wrote an autobiography, I think that would be the perfect title. Anyway, it feels like I've not been posting in forever. My first semester of college just ended. Thank God! My final exams were...interesting, to say the least. I'm just so glad everything's over. I have 3 weeks off of college, which I am so happy for! Believe me when I say I'll be doing nothing but going on YouTube all day, everyday. As pathetic as this may sound, YouTube is my life hahaha.

Oh and Selamat Hari Raya to all the Muslims out there. I can't believe how quick the month of Ramadan went by! My first day of Raya was nothing out of the ordinary except I was surprisingly emotional on that day. I celebrated it at my grandmother's place at Bukit Jelutong, like I usually do. Funny thing about that day was that I was looking forward to stuff myself with Nasi Dagang and Ayam Percik but I totally forgot about it! I know right? Who forgets about food?! Oh well. There's always next time!

I've been loving a lot of things lately. From bloggers to a kitchen appliance (LOL). I came across a few fun blogs over the last few weeks and I'm obsessed! I have 4 blogs to share; 3 of them are leaning more towards fashion and the other one is more on healthy eating/recipes.

Erika Bowes
Erika Bowes


Eugenie Grey


Another favourite; I came across this video of Benji surprising Judy, a few days ago and it is just too cute! I've been watching Benji & Judy on YouTube for years and seeing how Benji still surprises his wife like this is adorable! And their daily vlogs are so fun to watch!

Okay, so I know it's odd to favor a kitchen appliance but I just can't help it. We recently got our kitchen renovated and we bought a new huge free standing cooker. I'm so in love with it!! The oven is so big! I can't wait to start baking again! I don't have a picture of it but go Google it if you haven't got a clue of what I'm talking about :)

And that's all for today's post! Also, I'm going to start a new "series" on my blog soon where I'll be posting pictures of what goes on throughout my week, from my iPhone. I have no idea what to title this series though. iPhone diaries? My Week in Pictures? Help! Whatever the title will be, the first one of this whole picture diary thing will be up on Friday!

'Til then! :)

Selamat Hari Raya. Maaf Zahir & Batin

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  1. Looks like we've got the same taste in fashion blogs! Love Eugenie & idressmyselff!


