
Photo Diary #2

Photo Diary Friday, August 29, 2014
- People I can't live without! PS: 1. Sorry I had to cropped out your face, Dina! Tak muat. Luv u 4ever. 2. We were doing the Tim Tam Slam - Google it! 3. I find it funny how Jwen, Wei Lik & I wore green that day From my so called "healthy meals" to Jwen's sinful cupcakes which were so, so good!...

Things I've Learned in College... thus far.

Personal Thursday, August 14, 2014
1. Making friends takes time - This, for me was a rather interesting "task". I can't say I clicked with anyone instantly on the first day. It took me awhile to start talking because I've always been the shy, quiet type. I've learned that it's fine if you can't seem to click with anyone in your class. Join a club or a society! I...

Fifty Shades of Being Late?

Books Tuesday, August 05, 2014
Once again, I jumped on the bandwagon a little too late. Clearly, this is my forte. First, it was Arctic Monkeys and then Divergent. Now? The Fifty Shades trilogy. Ah, I have so many things to say about this trilogy. I'm sure everyone is familiar with it since it has been highly talked about over the past few months. I've always been curious...

Photo Diary #1

Photo Diary Friday, August 01, 2014
L-R One of the many cute cafes near my college. I forgot what this place is called though. I made brownies for two of my friends since it was their birthday. Am I the nicest friend or what? hahaha Post-finals pose. Clearly, I was so glad everything was over. That time of the month... to wash my makeup brushes Birthday OOTD Birthday lunch @...