
Fifty Shades of Being Late?

Tuesday, August 05, 2014

Once again, I jumped on the bandwagon a little too late. Clearly, this is my forte. First, it was Arctic Monkeys and then Divergent. Now? The Fifty Shades trilogy. Ah, I have so many things to say about this trilogy. I'm sure everyone is familiar with it since it has been highly talked about over the past few months. I've always been curious to know what the hype is all about. Plus, the trailer was recently released and it just piqued my curiosity even more. And since I'm currently on my semester break, I thought why not do a little reading. I must say, after watching the trailer, I was a little underwhelmed by who they chose to play Christian Grey. But then again, at the time, I never read the books so who am I to judge?

I've finished the first two books of the trilogy. I'm just only a few chapters into Fifty Shades Freed. I loved how the author portrayed Grey with the horrible upbringing & finally growing up to be a successful man with his own empire. I loved how because he had a rough start to his life, he became a "control freak" with a damaged soul. I loved how that ridiculously wealthy man fell in love with Ana, your average girl next door. How Christian managed to let his guard down for Ana melts my heart. The explicit parts of the books though... or in Christian's words – kinky fuckery – yeah, those were a little too detailed for my liking. The Red Room of Pain was rather freakishly amusing. Kinky f_ckery aside, I'm really enjoying the story. I especially loved the part when Ana left Christian and how he was so devastated and beyond heartbroken and then he finally acknowledges his feelings for her, realising that he wants more. Ugh, it made me weak.

God damned it, I am a hopeless romantic. I know.

All in all, despite the negative feedback, I love this trilogy! So dark, intense and romantic.
And I have to admit, after finishing the first book, I completely changed my mind about what I thought of Jamie Dornan playing Christian Grey. I kept watching the trailer again and again and just fell in love. I think they made the right choice choosing Jamie Dornan. Though I still think Henry Cavill or Matt Bomer would suit the character, I can't wait to see Jamie Dornan as Christian. And can we just talk about how lovely the rendition of Beyonce's Crazy in Love is in the trailer? It made me even more excited for the movie! That version of the song is so amazing! I think it's by Kadebostany. I could be wrong though. I really can't wait for this movie!

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