
October Lovin'

Tuesday, November 04, 2014

And as per usual, I can't believe October flew by just like that. October was a blast! Being able to finally hit Jump Street with the best people and seeing my favourite MotoGP riders, definitely my highlights of the month! 

On to the point of this post, there are so many good TV shows out right now. The new season of Arrow and the season premiere of The Flash. Grant Gustin as a superhero. Mhm yes please. And can we talk about the new season of Revenge? Oh my god, hands down, the most "rip-your-heart-out-of-your-chest" (yes, that's a thing) show I've ever watched. I can't fathom how twisted everything is becoming. The only thing I hate about these shows is how I have to wait 7 days for new episodes. Sigh. 

Okay, so I came across this movie, Begin Again, starring Keira Knightley, Mark Ruffalo & Adam Levine. I have to say, that movie is amazing! So is the soundtrack! I've been telling everyone to watch it. It's so good. The soundtrack is literally perfect. Adam Levine's version of Lost Stars and Keira Knightley's Coming Up Roses are my favourites! I highly recommend watching the movie! It's definitely going onto my list of all-time favourite movies!

Human Favourites (again, that's a thing HAHA)

I have been loving Louis Cole and Ben Brown's vlogs last month. Mostly because they were in New York together and like I've mentioned billions of times, I LOVE New York. LOVE. I even told my parents to secretly film my reaction telling me they booked flight tickets to the city, if we ever get the chance to go. I can assure you, I'd be in tears if that ever happens. Happy tears! Also, am I the only one who envies the way Louis lives his life? All he does is travel! I get so jealous every time I watch his vlogs. He's so spontaneous and adventurous. It must be nice to be him or be friends with him. 

Don't remember how I found her but I've been so intrigued by how she style clothes for her small frame!

And that's what I've been loving throughout October! I won't be blogging much this November because finals are this month... I think. Or maybe it's early December. Either way, I gotta step up my game. I desperately need to work on my Accounting!

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