
Reminiscing 2014

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Merry Christmas to those celebrating! Hi! There's exactly a week 'til 2015. I know right? Where did the year go? I loveeee this time of the year. Seeing all the Christmas decorations, the music and New York City. I feel like I say this every year but I would kill to be in NYC during Christmas. My love for the city is always at its peak during this festive season. I would always watch NYC vlogs on YouTube and just be envious of the people who are "soaking" in the beauty of the city. AND for some reason, I'd always play Michael Bublè's Christmas album every time December rolls around.

Anyway, I went through a whirlwind of emotions this year. So much has happened, so many things have changed. Where do I even begin?

I lost my cat that I've had since I was 4 or 5 a few days into 2014. Needless to say, it was tough. I am a very emotional person so losing my first cat was probably the most heartbreaking thing that has happened this year. What sucks the most is that I only have a few pictures with my little furball :(

My SPM results is one of the highlights of 2014. Now, I do agree on how nobody in college cares about how well you did back in high school but I've gotta admit, I didn't think I'd do that well. I mean, I was only expecting not more than 4As. On the day results came out, a little part of me was hoping that my name will be called out when they announced the straight As students. Long story short, as expected, my name didn't called. Broke down a little. Finally collected my slip. Came out of the hall with a huge ass smile plastered on my face. Cried happy tears. Mhm. 7As. Waaaay beyond my expectations. And who would've thought that I'd get A for both Biology and Chemistry?! HAHAHA okay la. When I think about it, those subjects were quite easy that day. Thank God!!

This year, friendships were tested. I've come to realise that I'm only friends with certain people because "I see them 5 days a week". Sometimes it's not just that. Sometimes, you realise that you've outgrown your friends and they've outgrown you. Sometimes you realise that you guys want different things in life. Despite the fact that it actually kills me that I've not been in touch with these people, I guess everything happens for a reason... right? Gotta suck it up and move on. People come and go. I'm very, very grateful to the people who are still by my side even if we don't talk all day everyday. 

Now, can we talk about how things are so different in college compared to high school? Being independent is hard! Fun, believe me, I love a challenge. But man it is tough! Stepping out of your comfort zone is a given. I'm still that shy girl in class but I have my 3 friends to loosen me up, who again, I'm so thankful for or I'd be that forever quiet girl in class.
And having to manage my "finances". Pretty sure I've spent more money on food than on clothes and makeup this year. Not only that, having only 4-5 months to prepare for finals as opposed to the 2 years for SPM? Yeah. Not fun. But then again, so far, everything is going quite smoothly. I did pretty well for finals back in the first semester. My results for the second sem will be out tomorrow and frankly speaking, I am terrified. I know there's no chance of me doing as well as I did last time but if it's worse than what I'm anticipating... You'll know where to find me, locked up in my room. Drowning in a pool of my own tears. Yup. 
Can't believe I only have a few months left with Jwen, Dio and Wei Lik. Can't believe I'm almost done with my Foundation.

I'm very excited for the new year. Call me cheesy but when the new year rolls around, I feel like you have a fresh start. A clean slate. As for my new year's resolutions? Lol let's be real. How many of you guys ticked off your resolutions this year? I think I'm officially done with coming up resolutions for the new year. They never happen. But I do have one for next year. A realistic one.. I hope, and that is to stop wearing all-black outfits. Or at least don't wear it everyday. With that being said, I need to shop for new clothes now. Bye!

Merry Christmas! Have fun Boxing Day shopping! Happy New Year!

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