
Current Favourites #1

Sunday, March 15, 2015

So the brand Collection (and Bourjois) landed on our shores awhile ago and of course I was ecstatic! I've been dying to try Collection's Lasting Perfection Concealer ever since all the UK bloggers rave about it. My verdict? I love it, in case you couldn't tell by how much the name has rubbed off! It is so full coverage and has a great lasting power on my skin. I use it to cover the dark circles under my eyes. It's quite thick and creamy but it feels so light on the skin! Pleaseeeee try it! It's only RM20 at Watsons!

Remember when I mentioned how much I love my Stila liquid eyeliner? Yeah, I got over it lol. Liquid eyeliner is no joke, guys. It can sense your fear. Don't get me wrong, the Stila liner is still a wonderful product but it tends to be too watery sometimes. Plus, I'm more of a gel girl anyway. They're much easier compared to liquids. I bought Inglot's AMC Eyeliner Gel awhile back and I've loved it ever since. It's so black and super long-lasting. It is quite a pain to remove, which is a good thing depending on how you look at it. I think it was only RM65? That isn't so bad right? Even the Maybelline gel liner is about RM60. So adding an extra 5 bucks for a slightly better alternative wouldn't kill you. Oh and I used Real Techniques' Silicone Eyeliner brush with this liner!

As for my go-to lip colour, it has gotta be MAC's Flat Out Fabulous! I've never heard anything about this colour before. I saw it in Emily Fox's video and asked my dad to pick it up for me while he was overseas. I have no regrets! When I first tried it on, I was like "YESS CHILD THIS IS ME" HAHA. If you know me, you'd know that I love bright, bold, matte lip colours! I swear, the picture doesn't do the colour justice! I suggest you to watch the video I mentioned here to see how the colour actually looks like!

I came across these 2 songs days ago and I can't stop listening to them, especially the second song!! It is SO GOOD! I imagined you would hear this edit of Chandelier at a bohemian-ish music festival. Such a good remix!

Also, I'm done with my Foundation. I can't believe how fast the past year went by. It has only been a few days since the last day but I miss my lil' bunch a whole lot! :(

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