
Malaysian Motorcycle Grand Prix 2015

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Hello!! I went to Sepang last weekend to watch MotoGP! If only you knew how excited I was to be able to go this year! I had to miss out last year because of my dad's busy schedule! This year, I begged/gave hints to my dad that I really, really wanna go. I was so anxious that we couldn't get tickets because they were selling really fast.

On Friday, I found out it was sold out and I may or may not have thrown a fit hahaha. But we took a long shot and made our way to Sepang anyways the next day. My dad said ticketing agents might still be selling tickets but I didn't get my hopes up. Arrived at SIC on Saturday at 8am and queued up at the ticketing booth even before it was opened. Guess what? We managed to get tickets!! Some staff person came up to my mom and sold it to us even before the ticketing booth opened. So to that guy, THANK YOU SO MUCH!!

Anyway, I vlogged the Race day. I don't have much footage of the races itself. There's a lot of walking...and also a little smudge on the camera lens which I failed to notice until I started editing the video.

I am in the midst of preparing for my final exams and it's agonizing. Can't wait for the next 2 weeks to be over!!

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