

Sunday, July 31, 2016

Florist in Melbourne
So I got to Melbourne last Monday. Went to my campus after dropping our things at my cousins'
apartment in the CBD - which is at the most prime location, I must say. Wish I lived in the city. When we got to my campus, it was so cold and windy. My legs were shivering as I was walking. My campus is huge, guys. HUGE. I'll talk about it and the rest of Melbourne in another post. Now, this weekend... My parents booked tickets to Sydney on Friday afternoon for that night. I guess you could say it was a 'spontaneous' birthday weekend getaway.

Sydney Harbour Bridge

Town Hall, Sydney

I turned 20 on Saturday. It feels weird to not use the word '-teen' anymore. I'm old, man. Anyway, Sydney's great. I can't decide if I wanna do a vlog or just a photo diary here. I've got some clips of the places I went to but I don't know if it would be enough for a vlog. Help me decide please?

ALSO OH MY GOD I SAW JACKIE CHAN. So I got to Sydney at 10pm. Checked into our hotel. Dad & I went on a walk to Mrs. Macquarie Chair to take pictures. It was almost 11pm when we got to that area. I noticed a lot of trailers and people in bright vests. And the first thing I said to my dad was "Ni mesti ada shooting ni. As in movie shooting" (I bet they're filming a movie here). Then, the guard told us "I'm sorry, you can't get through. They're filming a movie. Jackie Chan just walked by....." I couldn't hear the rest but my jaw dropped. The guy was so sweet and friendly - everyone here is! So he told us to take a different route and we did. We saw the set and JACKIE FREAKIN CHAN. They were filming Bleeding Steel. If you guys watch the movie when it comes out and you see a scene at a fair, just know that I was there!! Lurking around behind the bushes, I was there!!

I actually don't wanna open up about Melbourne yet. I mean, I love the city so much. But I've been having a hard time adjusting here. I'm already feeling so homesick right now and my parents haven't even left for Malaysia yet. I can't imagine how I'd feel once they go back. I'll get around to sharing pictures/experiences of Melbourne once I settle down.

'Til then!

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