
Photo Diary: Sydney

Sunday, August 07, 2016

I got home from Sydney on Monday night, technically Tuesday morning because it was 1am when we got back to my cousins' apartment. I miss Sydney's weather already! Sydney was so warm and lovely. I did intend to do vlog whilst I was there but I don't think I have enough footage to make it into a vlog. Even if I do, it would be a very boring one. Hence, this photo diary!!! Also, some of these photos belong to my dad. I'm sure you can tell which ones :p

I think this place is called Mrs Macquarie's Chair? Correct me if I'm wrong.


Also, minutes before we came to the spot pictured above, we kinda walked into Jackie Chan's movie set! HOW FREAKIN COOL IS THAT? I actually saw Jackie Chan!! They were filming Bleeding Steel. So if any of you plan to watch the movie when it comes out, know that during the fun fair scene, my dad & I were lurking behind the bushes HAHA

Martin's Place

Town Hall

Anzac Memorial
I find the name of this restaurant hilarious because if you've been reading my blog since 2010, you'd know that I was OBSESSED with the band, Tokio Hotel.

I feel like this photo sums up my lack of photography skills. I think this picture is terrible, honestly.

The Gap? Watsons Bay? I don't remember.

Dad's photo of Bondi

Bondi Beach

Dinner at Bondi

Also, look at this picture I took at Brighton Beach here in Melbourne recently. SO nice!! I did not edit this picture. I didn't have to. Just look at it!!

So that sums up my Sydney trip! Sydney was really nice but I still prefer Melbourne hehe. Melbourne is where I belong.

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