
The Last Leg

Tuesday, November 08, 2016

Hello!! I just finished my second paper today. Two down, two more to go! My sociology paper was last Friday and today was Social Behaviour. I think I did pretty well! My plan was to go to Coles next to the Caulfield campus and get some groceries after today's paper. But "somehow", I found myself at Chadstone... Chadstone is a mall near where I live. Apparently, it's the biggest one in Australia? I loveee Chadstone!!! It has everything I need. Lush, H&M, Zara, Chemist Warehouse, everything! They just opened Ladurée recently but I didn't get the chance to try it today because I only had an hour to spend. I got there at 4pm and the mall closes at 5pm. That's one thing I HATE about living here. Shops close so early! It's so weird. I'm so used to everything closing at 10pm. Another reason to look forward to flying home this summer! I mean, it's not that I go out at night that often but it's still convenient ya know. If I need to go to a mall just to pick up some stuff, I could do it at like 9pm after dinner or something.

Ok, enough mall rant. I have X weeks left in Melbourneee. I say X because only my family knows when I'm coming home. I never told any of my friends. If any of my friends are reading this now, if I told you that I was coming home on the first week of December, I lied(ish) HAHA. And no, it's not the 18th too, Dina. I'm so excited to have Halal food at my fingertips. I can't wait to have halal McD, Boat Noodle and omg, the salted egg butter chicken at Jibril, SS15. Hands down, better than Gold Chili!! "Gold Chili? Who dat? I don't kno her" I tried that a few days before I flew back here during the spring break and fell in love. I did feel muak (what is muak in English??) after but no regrets. So. Good. Need to bring my parents there soon!

Can't believe how fast the past 4 months have gone. Fun fact: when I first got here in July, it was SO cold. I even threw a little tantrum whilst in Zara (or was it Target?) because of the weather. And by tantrum, I mean I was practically in tears while I was browsing through the clothing racks in Zara and whined to my parents. That's when I realised the homesickness was kicking in. My parents studied in the US, so I guess they understood how I felt at the time? They just dealt with me calmly I kinda cried myself to sleep almost every night during the first 2 weeks. I would even message my mom things like "Tak nak study sini. Nak balik Malaysia. I don't like it here." I never hated being here pun, I guess it was just the fear of being in a new place alone. Oh my god, can't believe that was 4 months ago. Look at me now hahahah

I have already made plans to treat myself to some Lush goodies after my last paper. I wanna get some bath bombs!! Gonna treat myself to a nice, relaxing (and colourful) bath once exams are over. 6 more days til freedom!!

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  1. Hahahahaha glad that you are finally liking it (im referring to Melbourne) here.
