
Life Update: I saw Justin Bieber?

Sunday, March 12, 2017

I haven't posted anything in over 5 weeks! Damn. So what's new with me?

Well, I'm already back in Melbourne. I got here a little over 2 weeks ago. It's still hot here even though autumn is around the corner. I can't wait for it to get cooler! I miss wearing boots and layering up! I'm not looking forward to the crazy, strong winds though. And showering... Not showering in general but showering in winter is brutal. At least, it is to me. The second I turn off the shower, I feel like I need to quickly dry myself off and put on some clothes because when the cold air hits my skin after a nice, warm shower... Let's just say it's not pleasant. I had plans to do a "Week in My Life" vlog but it kinda failed. I'm still gonna upload it though... when I find good wi-fi. So look out for that!

I have no idea when this post is gonna be up but it is currently the 11th of March. I went to see Justin Bieber last night at Etihad Stadium. It was amazing!! Sheppard and Martin Garrix performed too! I had no idea who Sheppard was but they're sooo good live! I looked them up on Spotify the second I got home. Martin Garrix was incredible as well!! The energy was insane!

The front of the shirt just says Purpose Tour

Then Justin came out! Guuurl, I lost it. Yesterday was the second time I saw him perform live. I first saw him in 2012 at the MTV World Stage at Sunway! It was nice to see how much he has grown!! I danced to every song like there's no tomorrow. I sang my heart out. So worth the sore throat I have right now. I'm thinking of doing a vlog from last night since I filmed here and there. That's why I'm only posting 3 photos from the concert hehe. The quality won't be as great though because I filmed it on my phone. I wanted to bring my camera but the battery dies so fast so I couldn't be bothered. But anyway, look out for a vlog from the concert!

The last 2 weeks of uni have been pretty good. I really like my timetable this semester. My classes are only on Tuesdays to Thursdays. So that's pretty great. I'm still job hunting. I'm in desperate need of a job!! I haven't bought makeup since December. Can you believe that?! If you've been reading my blog since day 1, you'd know that I buy makeup almost every week. 3 months without makeup is so unlike me... Even I sendiri pun tak sangka I could go that long. But when I get a job, you best believe I'm gonna go ham on the makeup shopping.

Has anyone heard Ed Sheeran's new album yet? There are two songs I absolutely love - Perfect and Dive. SO. GOOD. Please listen! Thank me later!

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