
What I Eat in a Day #2

Wednesday, May 03, 2017

I was craving for pancakes but I knew I wanted to go for something oat-based because oats fill me up so much. Ya know how I always eat oatmeal every morning? Yeah, it's usually because it fills me up til lunch time. I can't do 2 slices of toast for breakfast. I'll just get hungry within the next hour.

So I browsed through Pinterest and found a Banana Oat Blender pancake recipe. I'll link it here if you wanna check it out. It turned out so so good! Definitely doing this again!

Now I know this may not be everyone's cup of tea, especially my Malaysian friends whose daily diet consists of something savoury like Nasi Kandar or Nasi Ayam buuuut I've been obsessed with making this lately. I don't know what to call it because I didn't actually follow a recipe. I just went with my gut and it turned out pretty good. I used Coles' Sweet Potato and Black Bean burger patty for this meal, which I have been in love with ever since I first tried it. It smells like bbq sauce!! I heated the patty up with some oil, added some canned chickpeas and some hot sauce. Baby spinach and avocado on the side with tahini drizzled on top. I've made it with quinoa before but I opted for white rice this time because #RiceIsLife #Asian. 

I've been making a lot of smoothies since I bought a new blender. This time around, I used bananas, frozen raspberries and mangos, baby spinach, soy milk and some lemon cream flavoured yogurt. As always, it came out hella good :p

I bet at this point in my post, you're thinking "Apa ni orang Melayu makan makanan mat salleh je??"

Look, it's not that I don't wanna cook a traditional Malay/Malaysian meal. It just involves a loooot of time and ingredients. Ingredients = money, something I don't have hahahah. But I did make a super simple chicken soup with carrots and potatoes AND okra with sambal belacan (my love) for dinner. I don't know bout you but I love having ulam with sambal belacan or budu. Sambal belacan is easy to find in Asian supermarkets but not budu :(

The one thing that bugs me about making Malaysian meals (or at least, meals that my mom makes for the family) is that I can never get it to look good for photos!

Talking about sambal belacan is making me crave Ayam Masak Merah... I know, sambal belacan isn't even an ingredient in the dish but good god, I miss Malaysian food so much. On the bright side, Fiesta Malaysia is happening this weekend. Maybe I can get my Malaysian food then? 'Til then!

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