
SPM 2013

Thursday, March 20, 2014

I am so happy! So today is the day for us form 5 of 2013. Results day. Alhamdulillah I got 7A2B for my SPM! I certainly didn't expect that at all!!

So just before 11am this morning, we all gathered at the closed hall and the teachers announced the names of the students who scored straight A+ and straight As. I knew I wasn't one of them so I was already somewhat emotionally prepared. So according to the teachers, there are 6 students who scored A+ and 53 who scored straight As! That is impressive! And rumour has it, my school, SMK Kota Kemuning obtained the best results in Selangor! I am so proud of myself and everyone!!! 

Anyway, when they announced the last student who obtained straight As, I started tearing up because I felt like I disappointed my parents but tried hiding it from my mom who was just sitting next to me and my dad was standing outside the hall. 

The second I stepped out of that hall, I just broke down. I felt like a failure. My dad tried to calm me down and I did eventually. After that we made our way to the other end of the hall to collect my result slip. The teacher handed me my slip and congratulated me. I had no idea how I did because I flipped over my slip and continued signing some paper she handed me. Then she congratulated me again and I finally saw my slip and just cried. 
"One of the best results in class" she said. I was honestly so surprised I had that many As! I was only expecting 3/4A's. Of course I was surprised! Alhamdulillah! So grateful!

Update: It is the 23rd of March and I just got home from Sunway with a MacBook as an SPM gift hehe. I can finally revamp my blog yesss!

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