
Yogurt & Makeup

Saturday, March 15, 2014


Hi! Ok before I get onto my rant about the makeup brushes, my cat is just adorable!! I discovered that he loves Greek yogurt! He would creep up to me and tries to lick my bowl of yogurt! And sometimes after I'm done, I would leave my bowl aside and he would lick the rest of the yogurt. It's so cute!!!! 
(And no I dont think yogurt is bad for cats)

Ugh i love this boy! Oh his name is Shadow :-)

Okay now onto my rant. I'm definitely lusting over makeup brushes! There are 3 brands of brushes I want to get my hands on; Real Techniques, Zoeva and Sigma. I posted something similar to this not too long ago but ugh I want brushes. I want to start a decently huge makeup collection! I definitely don't wanna have collections as big as my favourite beauty gurus but just something "appropriate" for a college student's budget lol. 

I'm pretty sure I'll be purchasing my very first Sigma brush real soon, next week maybe heheh. I so hope it won't go out of stock by next week since it's a very popular brush and because the 15% off coupon code I have is about to expire :(  

Guess what brush it is?! Yup, the very popular F80 flat top kabuki brush! I'm so excited! Oh and I'm gonna be getting this off of Luxola! As I said in my previous post, I am so glad I discovered Luxola! I do think the prices are a little all over the place sometimes but I love the site! 

Then maybe a few months after I get over the guilt of spending RM74 for a brush, I might actually take the plunge and get tons of Real Techniques brushes. I know spending 74 bucks for a makeup brush may be "normal" for some of makeup lovers out there but I don't poop out money okay :p
I've been wanting them for forever since it is so affordable! I'm planning to get them on iherb.com since it does ship worldwide. I am so excited!!

They're so pretty! I want them all! 

I also want the Sigma Mrs. Bunny travel essential kit or just the full kit itself. It is SO CUTE! It has blue handles with silver/pink ferrules. I may or may not want it just because of the pretty colours ;)

I cannot wait to have them all! I'm pretty sure I'll be super content for a very long time once I have these!


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