
First Week of College

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Hello! My first week of college was... well, if i had to sum it all up in one word, it was overwhelming. New people, new experiences, new vibe. I am definitely not in high school anymore. I don't know if I should be afraid of what the future holds for me but I'll take it one day at a time.

How did orientation went? Well, I absolutely hated the fact that I had to wake up at 5:30am just to get ready. Do you know how cold the water is at that hour?! But anyway, I left my place at 6:45am. Yup, so early right? Only (or maybe not) Subang people will understand. When I got to the hall on the first day of the orientation, I felt like the Malay proverb "bagai rusa masuk kampung" suited me the most at that moment. I didn't know where to go or what to do. When the event started, you would think I was looking around for cute guys but nope. I was scanning around for Malay students. I felt so out of place and awkward being the few Malay students on campus. I guess everyone opted for public institutions. But it didn't bothered me that much. I still had fun. I still kinda got out of my comfort zone. We had to break the ice with each other, which was definitely not my forte. But I did it anyway. Yay me. I'm not going to talk much about orientation day because we played games most of the time so...

I'm writing this on the 7th - my first official day here. My English class ended an hour or so ago. I already have my first assignment to do. I'm kinda excited about it because it's English and I love English. During class, we had to do the usual introducing ourselves to our classmates. I lied about one of my hobbies... I wanted to say "I enjoy watching YouTube videos and I get super loud and annoying when I watch MotoGP races." But nope, instead of the "MotoGP" thing, I said I liked reading... LOL. I can't remember the last time I read. What the heck yaya?

We also had to do more ice breaking which I actually enjoyed. I loved the fact that no one knows who I am or where I come from. A new clean slate. Oh and if you're wondering, yup there are a couple of attractive guys in my class ;)

Currently the 10th of April. Today was so much better than the day before. Yesterday was probably one of my loneliest days in college. I ate lunch alone.. until a couple of my classmates, Danial and Arvind came along. They are so nice! So friendly. Oh and in case I haven't mentioned, I am a VERY quiet girl if I'm in a new environment. As excited as I am to meet new people in college, I am the kind of person who needs the extra push to open up to people and start being my typical foolish self.

I actually had a fun time today despite the fact that I feel isolated with my other classmates. It's not their fault. I don't think they push me away. I'm the one to blame. It is so hard for me to make new friends especially with people who have loud personalities and are confident as heck. I did start talking more with the same guy who I kinda ate lunch with yesterday and this other girl who if I may add watches Michelle Phan (!!!!!) and likes MotoGP too. UGH SOULMATE OR WHAT?! Yeah, I had a really good time with them. Danial is such a gentleman. And he is SO FUNNY. SO FUNNY, you have no idea!

11th April - only one class today which was Microeconomics. So far, it is quite an interesting subject. I was so happy class ended at 12! Gotta love Friday classes!

Sooo yeah, I had quite a good time at college this week. Everyone has been so lovely. And the fact that I have Mian there as well makes me so happy!

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