
My Sunday morning + pictures!

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Guess who is finally reunited with her Yamaha R1?! Me me me! I don't think I have ever mentioned this but our R1 was wrecked after my dad crashed it at the Sepang circuit during the track day. And that was back in November. Yup, it was in the workshop since that day. My dad wasn't seriously injured, he escaped with only some fractured bones in his left foot. 3 weeks after that crash, we went to Melbourne for a holiday and yes, my dad was on his crutches the entire time. Hey, at least we could use the privileges for the disabled when we were down under. But anyway, we got our bike back last night and it's matte!!! Before the crash, it had a glossy finish but I guess my dad asked for a matte finish? It's beautiful!

Gorgeous, no? :)

This morning was my first ride in 7 months/of the year!! I've been waiting for this day for so long. Dad, Uncle Botak (dad's friend) and I went to Karak for breakfast. Usually, on Sundays we would have breakfast at this one Nasi Lemak stall at Karak and on Saturdays, it would be at Coffee Bean at  Genting Highlands. Sometimes there would be quite a number of Ferrari's and Lamborghini's at Genting but throughout my 5 years of riding, I have never seen a Lamborghini up at Genting. I don't know if Lamborghini drivers hate me or if I'm just a Lamborghini-repellent. Every time when my parents ride up to Genting, they would always see a bunch of beautiful Lamborghini's. But when I go up there with my dad.. Yeah. Nothing.

Was trying to take a picture of the lady biker because she was wearing heels lol

The pink Vespa was so cute!
As amazing as the R1 is, I can't help but to miss our first bike. We used to own the Yamaha FJR1300. I felt more secure on that one as compared to the R1. The passenger seat on the R1 is so small and slippery. I had to constantly adjust myself as the bike moved at like 170km/h. Do you know how nerve-wracking it is?! Not to mention, when there's a sharp turn. Oh god, that's the scariest. Every time there is a sharp corner, I could feel myself getting closer and closer to the ground. Riding the FJR is more relaxing than the R1. Nonetheless, I still love our R1. I just wished the passenger seat was bigger and had more grip or something.

It's funny how I used to hate the idea of my dad riding on two wheels at almost 200km/h. The thought of what might happen to my dad if something goes wrong scares the crap out of me. But somehow, I fell in love with riding and racing. I can't get enough of it!

Oh and my dad has some riding videos up on his not-so-active YouTube channel. His video titled Sunday Fun is my favourite! Go watch it! Link is in the caption of the picture below! Hopefully, it'll give you a glimpse or an idea of what I enjoy doing! :)

My dad ;)
My best friend, mom and yours truly at the garage @ SIC
Sorry if my grammar or language is a little messed up right now. I'm actually multitasking right now; blogging, studying Management and listening to music. Damn pro lah I!

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