
Photo Diary #2

Friday, August 29, 2014

- People I can't live without!
PS: 1. Sorry I had to cropped out your face, Dina! Tak muat. Luv u 4ever.
2. We were doing the Tim Tam Slam - Google it!
3. I find it funny how Jwen, Wei Lik & I wore green that day

From my so called "healthy meals" to Jwen's sinful cupcakes which were so, so good! I made myself eat a ton of healthy food during my semester break. Hence, the pictures. Also, can I just say how good peanut butter + banana + flaxseed on toast are?! And blueberries + Nutella! 

- I went riding to Genting with my dad last weekend. We wanted to have tea/snack at Coffee Bean but they don't allow bikers to park where we usually do, anymore! So we decided to hang at Starbucks instead. Also, this was my first time riding in the rain & it was quite the experience! I had mud all over my hair & my riding jacket

Remember when I said I'll post my Pic Diary every other weekend? Yeah, that was a fail! I tried, guys. I tried. But on the bright side, I did get a ton of pictures right? Also, I have an August Fav post coming up. 'Til then!

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