
Weekly Ramble + Pictures

Friday, May 02, 2014

I certainly didn't expect college to be this tiring oh my god. I can't even describe how exhausted I am. Only getting 5-6 hours of snooze everyday. Not cool, man. Not cool. I have tests next week. Am I terrified? Yup. I have no idea what to expect. I didn't think I would ever say this but I'm so scared for English. Back in high school, English exams were something I always look forward to sit for because I knew it was my strongest subject. That and Math! I hated the idea of not being the best in my class for those two subjects. Aizad and I would always compete to be the best in class for Math and he would ALWAYS beat me by just that much. I was always the second best for Math but English, best in class HAHAH. I am so full of myself. Hashtag no shame hashtag fabulous.

I had my first ever mani pedi session this week. It was a treat from my aunt for getting good results for SPM. We went to The Nail Parlour @ Empire! It was so freaking relaxing! I almost fell asleep when my manicurist did my toes. I've never had such pretty toes in my life lol. After all that, I think I prefer pedicures more than manicures only because of the relaxing massages they give you! T'was a lovely experience! I can't wait for my next visit! Hopefully with Dina next time! 

Freshies Night was this week too! Initially, I didn't wanna go but well, peer pressure! Mian and Jwen are so good at persuading me :(
I don't have anything good to say about that night but I don't have anything bad to say bout it either. I just didn't enjoy it as much as I would like to. Only the first two hours were fun but when the games started, ugh. As much as I love running, I hate it when I have to run all over the place without my favourite Nike's. And running in skinny jeans is a pain! I kinda expected for some students to perform onstage, have an impromptu rave or something but oh well... 

Speaking of running, I went to my first dodgeball "meeting" this week. It was so fun despite the fact I had to stay back until almost 10pm! I loved the warming up part. We had to run around the block and personally, I think I did well. I didn't even slowed down! I felt so good running behind the coach or whatever he was, and everyone got left behind. Running game still strong, baby! ;) God, I miss cross country! And did I mention how random people came up to me and said "Wow. You are really good at this. Have you played dodgeball before?" I love getting compliments like that when it comes to sports! Such a confidence booster! Like when a friend told me I was really good at hockey despite the fact that it was my first time. 

I'm so exhausted. I wish weekends would last longer. I need to catch up on my sleep! I don't think I'll be able to have any decent rest this weekend because there's MotoGP! Sigh. The things I do to support my favourite racer! Plus, home girl's gotta study! Have a good weekend ahead! x

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