Guys, I am feeling miserable as heck! My mid-semester break is coming to an end. One week flew by just like that. I have been longing for a break from college but one week isn't enough. I don't wanna go back to my tiring, wake-up-at-530am-everyday life. I don't wanna deal with assignments. Why do I have to grow up?! Also, I am broke....
In my last post, I wanted to talk iHerb but that post was getting way too long so I decided to split it into two! So if you haven't read the last post, go do it! Read that one before you begin reading this entry! iHerb! I came across iHerb when I was looking for the best deals on Real Techniques brushes. Yup,...
I've been dying to post this! Ok so you know how everyone raves about the Real Techniques brushes? Yeah, guess who just jumped on the bandwagon? Me me me! It's never too late, right? I've been wanting these brushes for ages but I didn't wanna pay more than twice of what it actually costs. I've mentioned this in my previous entries; a set...
"It's really amazing when two strangers become the best of friends, but it's really sad when the best of friends become strangers.." Using a cliche quote to start a post, bravo Yaya! But really, I can't be the only one here who agrees with that quote, right? It really is wonderful when you realise you have more in common with a stranger, than...
Before I start, why don't you guys check out my friends' vlog of their short getaway? :) Also, my best friend just created a new blog! I would appreciate it if you guys check out her page! -->> Addina Kharmizi I have come to the point where I'm becoming very lazy to update my blog but I like writing, sharing my interests and all...
I certainly didn't expect college to be this tiring oh my god. I can't even describe how exhausted I am. Only getting 5-6 hours of snooze everyday. Not cool, man. Not cool. I have tests next week. Am I terrified? Yup. I have no idea what to expect. I didn't think I would ever say this but I'm so scared for English. Back...