
Collective Haul + Where I Get My Brushes

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

I've been dying to post this! Ok so you know how everyone raves about the Real Techniques brushes? Yeah, guess who just jumped on the bandwagon? Me me me! It's never too late, right? I've been wanting these brushes for ages but I didn't wanna pay more than twice of what it actually costs. I've mentioned this in my previous entries; a set of Real Techniques brushes costs RM135/RM145 if you buy it at our local beauty supply shop but it only costs USD18 in the US! That's a massive difference! (I will go into detail about the site where I bought my RT brushes from later)

  1. Powder brush
  2. Blush brush
  3. Core collection
  4. Stippling brush
  5. Expert Face brush
  6. Setting brush
  7. Silicone liner brush
I haven't had the chance to play with them yet but I'm excited to use the stippling brush. I've always been curious of how it works. It's just so unique. That and the blush brush! It's shaped like an egg! So cuteeee.

I also got 3 lipstick/lip colours. One from Topshop and the other two are from Revlon. There was a Buy 1 Free 1 deal for the Revlon Super Lustrous lipstick line a few weeks ago and of course being the lipstick junkie that I am, I swatched every colour available until I found ones I liked. The saleslady looked pretty creeped out by how excited I was. I'm sorry man, Yaya and lipsticks are inseparable! Can I just say how good the Topshop one smells?! The scent is like sugary/chocolate-y. So good!

1. Revlon Super Lustrous in Rose Velvet
2. Revlon Super Lustrous in Rich Berry
3. Topshop lip cream in Smart (obsessed!)
crappy swatch of the topshop one, sorry!
And thaaat, concludes this entry! In case you couldn't tell, I only bought one eye brush and the rest are face brushes. Why? Because I've never been a fan of fancy eye makeup. I mean, yeah, they are lovely but it's not something I'm into. I like to keep it "simple"; winged liner and a bright matte lip colour. I know I said I was gonna talk about the site where I got my brushes later on in this post but I feel like this post is getting too long. So, look out for my next post! I'll be talking about Luxola and iHerb and there'll be coupon codes too! :)

And that, my friends, is why I was so broke last week HAHAH. Having to decide what to eat for lunch last week was a hassle when I only had 50 bucks left. I know I need to stop buying beauty items but I can't help it! They make me weak especially matte lipsticks. My heart "aches" at the sight of nicely-formulated matte lipsticks. Girlprobz hahah. I think I just came up with a challenge for the month of June: no-purchasing-makeup June lol. Am I content with the makeup brushes I currently have now? Yup... but I've been eyeing Sigma's F50 brush for so long. One day, Yaya. One day!

Anyway, keep a lookout for my next post to find out where I got these brushes! Til then! x

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