
iHerb coupon codes

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

In my last post, I wanted to talk iHerb but that post was getting way too long so I decided to split it into two! So if you haven't read the last post, go do it! Read that one before you begin reading this entry!

iHerb! I came across iHerb when I was looking for the best deals on Real Techniques brushes. Yup, I'm aware that Malaysia has Real Techniques but...

our local beauty supply store



USD18 is about RM60! Do you see what I mean?! I was so elated when I came across iHerb! They mainly carry supplements, skin care, protein powders etc but they do have a variety of other beauty brands; Physicians Formula, EcoTools, ELF and so many more. The shipping services they offer aren't bad at all. I chose the DHL Express International one over the International Airmail that offers a flat rate of $4 just because with DHL, you can track your shipment so... Plus, there were quite a number of negative feedback about the International Airmail. So, go figure.

Guess how much I paid for these brushes and the shipping? About RM180! If I were to buy them locally, I would've paid close to RM600! But then again, there was an extra 20% on Real Techniques the week I bought them. But even without the extra discount, I would've paid about RM230! Still nowhere near 600 bucks!

In case you were wondering, I ordered them on the 17th and got them yesterday morning (26th).

And lucky for you guys, I have a coupon code which gets you USD5 off your first order or USD10 if the total is over USD40! :))

Coupon code: QBC471 or click the link here!

I'm pretty sure it's safe to say that I don't need anymore brushes for the next few months. Anyway, have fun shopping! And no, this isn't a sponsored post! 'Til then! x

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  1. Hi Yaya! Do you know which beauty websites selling make ups and have shipping to Malaysia?

    1. 1. iherb
      2. sephoramy
      3. hermo.my
      4. colourscosmeticsmalaysia.com (have never bought anything from here though)
      5. maqup.com (same as ^. never bought anything from here)

      1. themakeupstash769
      2. popandsoap
      3. lushxmalaysia (kylie lip kit!!!!)
      4. doodletoodle
      5. facepainter.my

      hope this helps!

    2. forgot to mention beautybay.com!
