
Of strangers and friendships

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

"It's really amazing when two strangers become the best of friends, but it's really sad when the best of friends become strangers.."

Using a cliche quote to start a post, bravo Yaya! But really, I can't be the only one here who agrees with that quote, right? It really is wonderful when you realise you have more in common with a stranger, than you think. 

I remember being terrified during the first day of college. One thing I feared the most? Not being able to make friends because I'm one heck of a shy person. It takes a lot for someone to get me to talk. For some reason, I can only be my crazy self in a new environment when I have a close friend with me. Their presence somehow boosts my confidence! But anyway, I was afraid I couldn't muster up the courage to get out of my comfort zone. The fear of not being able to "fit in" took over me. But as always, I was overreacting. You know what's funny? The people whom I thought I could click with are the people I can't really be myself with and the people whom I thought were "weird" at first are the people I feel most comfortable with!

I would be lying if I said I instantly clicked with my classmates on the first day. I definitely didn't. I was being my quiet self the entire first day. In fact, my first week in general was a lonely one. I ate lunch alone everyday. Ok maybe not alone, I still had Mian with me. But that doesn't count! I've known her since I was 13 or 14 so of course I was comfortable being with her! I'm talking about new college friends. I didn't have anyone to talk to. I wandered around campus alone, exploring and figuring my way around buildings. I only started opening up to people on the second week. When I say people, I am mostly referring to Jwen HAHAH. I'm pretty sure our friendship started with "I like bikes/MotoGP too!" And I think after taking that so-called personality quiz during General Studies, I realised we have similar traits. Besides having somewhat similar personalities and liking the same things but we also kinda have mutual friends, which is so cool. I can't even stress enough on how grateful I am to have her everyday. I would be so miserable without her. Knowing my shy and reserved self, I probably would be friendless if she wasn't around.

I only started letting loose around other people probably a couple of weeks ago. Fangirling sessions with Sim Sim over our favourite Spaniard racer, talking to Dio and realising we kinda like a lot of the same things. Call me corny but I find it really, really cool how you can have similar interests with someone you just met. I've been hoping to meet another girl who is as obsessed as I am with Marc, for ages! And I did! I'm still hoping to meet biker girls from college though. It would be flippin' amazing if I had a biker "girlfriend". At least I would have someone to talk to when we have breakfast at Genting or go on a day ride to Cameron Highlands or something hahah.

Speaking of Genting, I've been dying to have breakfast there for so long! We've gotten our R1 back about 3 weeks ago and I've only been to Karak for breakfast ever since. I need to go to Genting! I want to so bad! I miss that place. So hoping I would get to go to Genting this weekend! Fingers crossed!

The only thing that makes me feel so odd is that the group of friends I hang out with are labeled as the quiet ones. I mean, yeah, there's no denying when it comes to me being so shy but I'm so used to being in a group of loud, fearless and obnoxious people. I miss school! :(

PS: I have a haul post in the works (SO EXCITED TO SHARE THIS!!) and also for makeup junkies, I have something special for you in my next post! Stay tuned :)
Also, I've been obsessing over this video. I want to learn this routine so bad! 

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